..where to next?

Sorry, I should not involve you in this as I should lecture myself. When living in Sweden, I keep on thinking about what to prepare for school in England, once in England I start planning my trip to LA and when here I am looking ahead and dreaming away, thinking about how it would be like running down the streets of New York for the next year, spending Christmas days in Central Park and go to my favorite restaurants in downtown. I really really like where I am right now and I have got offered a great place to live here in the Villas park labrea starting in the fall, another apartment however but in the same complex and I have an amazing job and I really like the people I am working with and got wonderful new friends. But, there is a big but, I love...I love New York! And in New York is where the big magazines have their base and when it comes to being a writer I know New York is the place to be. So these days there are a lot of decisions that needs to be made and I will try my hardest not to seem absent at work!



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