Back to school!
Byebye Santa Monica
Tonight is my last night here because tomorrow I am going back home to Sweden. I am actually really happy to go home because I miss my family so much and my friends of course! Tonight me, Charlotte and Anna are going out for dinner. I will treat Anna as a thankyousomuchforlettingusstayatyourplace!
Me at Hermosa beach!
A day at Venice beach
Me in the water!
Charlotte in the sun
Life is a highway
It is just past 9 pm and I am sitting at Starbucks back on Santa Monica Boulevard, drinking my favorite Chai latte, looking out on the street. It feels like fall, even though it is so hot here during the days I actually have to say that I have a fall feeling and I love fall! Outside there is an old man dancing on the street to an accordion and people are walking by with shoppingbags. The trees are lightened up and next to Starbucks there are restaurants, shops such as Abercrombie and even though the atmosphere sometimes makes you feel like you are in the south of Europe you understand quickly that you still are in America. I am back from our roadtrip and even though we saw a lot of places I am happy not to have to live in a suitcase/car/motel/hostel anymore.
San diego and OC was amazing but Vegas was not that great - a little bit cheap and shady. But the drive there was unbelievable! I was driving during the night and when we passed the last city in California and started to drive into the Nevada dessert, the stars became so bright and filled up the whole sky. I was listening to music, leaning over the wheel while driving because I was so amazed. I tried to wake my friends up when we were driving through the dessert but they were sleeping too heavy. But I got to see it and it was a true experience that I will never forget!
Hurley Pro and San Clamente
Today has been a wonderful day at the beach! and it is still really nice weather here in San Clemente (OC). This morning, after breakfast and a walk in town, we went to San Onofre surf beach to watch the surfing competition Hurley pro. It was soo awesome! It was the best top 50 surfers in the world and even though the waves were not as good it was really fun to watch! Now we are back in San Clamente where we spend last night and now we are heading to Vegas! But first I am going to buy a charger to my camera because I am sooo sad that it has been out of battery because there is so much to take pictures of here!
We are going to OC and Las Vegas!
It is our fourth night here in San diego! And tonight I am sitting in sweatclothes because I really feel like taking it easy tonight, buy some candy, maybe order pizza and watch a movie. Yesterday we went to a party on the rooftop at Hard Rock hotel and today I have been walking around town pretty much by myself because my friends have been too tired. Therefore, I keep on telling them that they should not go out tonight because we cannot be tired tomorrow. Tomorrow we are leaving San diego for OC (orange county). It is a little bit sad because I really do like this city! But we have done a lot! Everything from making a trip to Pacific beach (one of my favorite places in the world), eating under palmtrees at a cool mexican place to the one night when I just sat in the window with a book, listening to the music from outside, looking at all the people walking by. We are staying in OC for two days because of a surfing competition. On thuesday or monday night we are leaving OC for Las Vegas and I am soo excited because I have never been there before. Also, I am excited because I am driving! (which means I will be in charge of the muic haha) I really want to go there at night time because I want to see all the lights from the city. Take care!
I love San diego!
San Diego is so beautiful and has everything from wonderful weather, shops, beaches and outdoor malls to theatres and nightlife. This is the second time I am here. Last time I was staying outside the city by Ocean beach or pacific beach and did not experience as much of the city itself. This time, I am staying in the middle of the city ! (market street and fith avenue) at a hostel overlooking the city. On the TV they are playing Journeys don't stop believing and when you hear that song you really know you are in America again! If you sit in the window at night time there is so much to look at ; people walking along the streets, restaurants and lights from all the buildings and if you drive along the beach it is amazing! and you can't keep yourself from taking pictures from the car. We are driving a blue toyota ( I call it our summery car) and it is so funny because I think we really light up the streets when we are driving around in it - it is so blue haha. San Diego looks almost just like Miami but smaller, with palm trees everywhere, ocean, big buildings and lights. Yesterday we went to a party at Hard rock hotel (went to bed at 5.30 !) and today we were planning on going to a surfconvention but after standing in line for a while we ended up walking around town instead. I think we are going there tomorrow instead. There are so much things you want to do so you have to plan your time right. Today we went out eating and afterwards I went to Nordstroms but instead of a regular mall like the ones they have in New York it was an outdoor mall and it was really pretty! I'm going there tomorrow as well. We are planning to stay here for another 4-5 days but tomorrow we are moving our suitcases to Matts friend. We have the car for five more days but I want to extend because I want to go to Las vegas and take a trip to Malibu after going to OC before heading back to LA.
I will put up pictures ASAP
Hope you are all good! /charlotte
San Diego at night!
Hey San diego!
After two days in Hollywood we are doing a roadtrip to San Diego and OC!
Good morning! :) (or goodnight) Today we are heading to San diego lalala! We are renting a car at the LAX airport and going to a surftournament that is going on for a couple of days and then we are continuing our trip to OC. We are planning to be away for 8 days before going back to Los Angeles again.
The days have been busy and yesterday and the day before me and charlotte have been in hollywood on the mainstreet (hollywood boulevard, highland) we walked on the walk of fame, looked around etc etc. Hope you are all good! To my family and friends - I miss you much! now we have to take the bus to the airport. charlotte
I got a feeling, that tonight's gonna be a good good night!
Hey everyone! Today it has been an interesting day, good thing yesterday was good!:) Otherwise it would have been a big waste of time! Yesterday we went to a beach party in Hermosa beach, close to Manhattan beach. It was so much fun so we stayed longer than we expected and when we were going to get our car in the garage where we had parked it, it was closed! This meant no more party and we had to ask the guys if they could drive us all the way back home to Santa Monica. Today we spent hours on busses, at the airport (to get the right bus), in a garage, with the triple A. Because gues what..when we arrived the car wouldn't start! First we thought it was the battery but it wasn't. After a lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong with the car everything went just as I said the whole time: It will all work out!
So, what have we learnt from this? haha First we learnt how to toe a car. Secondly how to jump start a car. We also learnt: do not park your car in a garage in Hermosa beach! And if you ever visit LA, get a car or at least don't take the bus because it takes forever.When we asked a bus driver for directions his respond was "I haven't got the sliiightest idea!" well, enought about that. Now we are ready to go out and we are heading to Venice beach! :) XX Charlotte x2
Beach party with a white dress code
Beverly Hills and the Grove
Today, I woke up at 9 am. Charlotte and Anna were still asleep and I figured they were going to be for at least another two-three hours as they went out yesterday. So, I decided to go out running. I went up, ate a healthy breakfast, put on my running shoes and went out for a run along the beach. So nice! I took a walk back home and sat down on the beach where I watched the people surfing on the waves. Surfing would be something really fun worth trying and it seems so relaxing! After my run/walk I went back to the apartment, got my bikini, a very good book that I bought at the airport - my sisters keeper, and went down to the beach with Charlotte. It was so so hot out today, probably around 100 degrees! And when we went to an out-door-shopping mall in Beverly hills called The Grove it was even worse as the car didnt have any aircondition. Our solution is to drink water - a lot of water! latte! The mall was really nice and it was outside so when the sun started to go down it got so cozy and they played such nice music. We went to stores such as my favorite J Crew, Victoria's secret, Abercrombie etc. Afterwards we drew through beverly Hills, turned the music up and just had a fun girly time. Back home it was on with sweatpants and a t-shirt, a magazine, coke and some food. A good day in other words and tomorrow we are going to a beach party starting at 1 pm!!
Santa Monica beach
The out-door mall the Grove
Beach-baby beach-baby
Sorry for the delay! We have some problems with the internet connection in Anna's apartment and therefore I haven't been as good with the updates. We have been here for two days now but it feels like we have been here for at least a week already. We have done so much and have had so much fun! Tonight, believe it or not, I am sitting in a t-shirt with candy, diet coke and have movie night ahead of me while my friends are at a club called Hide in Hollywood. You might call me crazy but I had the worst headache this morning after our night out yesterday and feel I need to get some rest because tomorrow we are going shopping in downtown LA. Last night, we went to a hip place called My House in hollywood and had so much fun! Today I have been drinking tons of water and recovered fast from my headache. Me and Charlotte went down to the beach for two hours and took a powerwalk to Venice beach, an hour walking distance from Santa Monica beach with a lot of fun shops along the road like a little street market. Very nice! And when Anna came back from school, we went out for sushi. Such a nice place and very look alike one of my favorite restaurants in New York called TAO.
Here are some pictures from our first days in LA
Me and Anna at My House
Girls night out
Aloha Santa Monica beach and palm trees
Arrived yesterday and today, after eleven hours of sleep, I am anything BUT jetlagged. We are staying on the actual beach (Ocean Front Walk) where Anna has her apartment, surrounded by palm trees, guys who are playing volleyboll and restaurants. Our plans today are 1. beach! 2. Shopping in LA 3. Party!
Santa Monica
Anna Banana 9 in the morning with headset!