Make room for "me time"

It is almost 1.30 am on a wednesday night, or thursday morning, and I find myself writing in my bed. Pretty late and maybe not the perfect time to be doing so. But when you find yourself fulfilling everyone else's needs while neglecting your own on that hot summer day in june which should be relaxing and peaceful and when you hear from your family that "you are always out and never in" it becomes pretty clear that finding room for "me time"  in an already-jammed schedule can be difficult. I call it "me time" because it is the time of the day when I get to do what I love to do the most, the time when I get the chance to clear my head and just think about whatever I feel like thinking about, go running along the beach, sit outside in the sun reading my favorite magazines overlooking the ocean, dancing in front of my mirror to Ne-yo or just do what I am doing right now; writing past midnight. There should be more of "me time" on our schedules and we should prioritate it as it contributes to happiness and our belonging. If we don't get the chance to do what we love to do the most there is a possibility that we will loose a little bit of ourselves,our personalities and beliefs. 


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