The art of living in the present
What are you doing right now? Or should I ask what were you doing just before you started to read this column? Were you planning something, did you think about what happened yesterday or the day before? Many times I do believe we can find ourselves planning or looking back at things way too much. Whether it comes to school, job, practice etc. we tend to look ahead. We look ahead to that paycheck, final grades or that big game next week. How often do we actually just live in the present? I believe the best time of the whole day is "me time". The time of the day you do what you love to do the most. Turning up your favorite music for example, singing in front of the mirror. For me its writing or go out running. I also love to light candles, put on a dress, turn on my favorite music and cook. Sounds wierd maybe, but that is something I love to do. Otherwise, I live in the present way to little. I envy people who can. Don't get me wrong. I believe it is beautiful to look back at memories. I have always been a dreamer. Looking back at good memories has been one of my top skills. However, one of the consequences of this is that you compare and many times expect your birthday, for example, to be at least as good as the last one. Remember that you live now, right this moment, this second. The day you're standing there knowing exactly who you are and what you are doing in life. The day you can not longer say "when I grow up I want to become...", the day you actually are "up" it could be nice to know that you actually lived your life before that as well. Never stop dreaming, or hoping and wishing just try to sometimes live in this very special moment you are given right now.
Speaking from my own thoughts.....
Speaking from my own thoughts.....