All we need is...time


I sure agree with The Beatles - "All you need is love", but nowadays time is rated as a second priority on the list. All we need is love...and time. Time flies is an expression we're familiar with. And for a swedish girl, like me, the american lifestyle is top rated. So much is going on here. School, college applications, SAT:s and PSAT, hockey/lacross/football games, volunteering, after-school-jobs etc etc. And when I come home to Sweden my schedule is packed with thousands of things I need (have) to do. Berfore you know it, another day, week, month, year has passed you by and one day  you're standing there clueless, questioning yourself where the heck those past years went. Okay, I don't say this is a bad way of living, you fullfill your days and might create many memories and you are active, which is GOOD but you have to stop putting such a big pressure on yourself. Pressure in itself is enough, you don't have to max it and you don't always have to be on top. Sometimes is enough to be good.  I don't have any time", "just wait a second", "hold on, I'll be right there..soon", "I just have to...", "I might be able to, it depens on if....",   bla bla bla. Just drop everything and take some time-out for yourself, do what you want to do and relax. I mean, what will happen if you don't go to that ONE game? Your coach won't kill you, will he? And, come on, don't you feel better doing those applications after a coffee-break with your girlfriends? To be honest, I think we are afraid of boredom, I think we sometimes want the time to fly - or am I wrong? We are so good at keeping ourselves busy and we are not afraid of telling our surroundings about it. If you are hanging out infront of the tv a whole day, people will ask you; whats wrong, are you sick? In their eyes, you are lazy and practacly boring. Does time only have to fly when you are having fun, or in other words, do you have to be bored for the time to slow down a little bit. Can't we find something inbetween?

Why does time have to be the limit?


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