Contacts are everything

You probably heard it before, but I'll say it again: contacts ARE everything. Whether you are educating yourself through books, assignments and exams in the world of Marketing or with interviews, focus groups, reports and radioproduction in the world of media you will reach your dream and that specific profession with the right kinds of contatcs. With some help. I just got one of those incredible contacts that might (I don't want to say too much) be able to help me to get where I want, or at least give me some valuable advice. My quesion to the journalist/reporter, now also working in the PR business, was a tricky one. What do you suggest me to do in the following situation; "I am in Public Relations and have been taking some credits in Media Communication. In the future I want to work with international communication but communication in what I love the most - writing." What I learned from reading her feedback was that the most important thing is to have a base, a degree as a steady ground to stand on. While studying, she recommended me to take some extra classes in what I love, in my case writing. Then to send a pitch and good ideas to magazines, talk to VD instead of only sending resumes, and the most important fact: to never give up! 


Postat av: Mini

Ring mig gumman,varit upptaget hos dig länge:(

2008-12-17 @ 12:09:00
Postat av: Mini

Gumman jag kan inte ringa dig för jag tappade min mobil på stan :( och bella ringde till michaela (provade kläder med henne) och sa att min chef säger att jag måste jobba ikväll :(

2008-12-18 @ 15:58:45

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