How to stay focused

Reports, assignments, presentations, exams versus party, friends, sports etc (the list could be long). I can't help of thinking: how do I stay focused on my projects? You know yourself. You are coming home from school. On your way home you have this plan in your head (at least, I usually have) " I am gonna go home, make something to eat, make coffee, go into my room, lock the door and study for, at least, 3 hours!" This is how the rest of my day is organised - in my head. How it turns out in the reality, when I come home, is another story. Before sinking into my project I am being sidetracked in five different directions. Sex & the city is on the TV and all my flatmates are watching it, "just have to go check my facebook", my friends are calling me asking if we can grab something to eat etc etc...etc. Finally you're ending up pushing your schoolwork up for the next day. A 2004 time and multitasking study by reserachers at the University of California at Irvine found that workers devote an avarage of 11 minutes to a project before being distracted. Once a worker is interrupted it takes another 25 minutes to return to the original task. So when you get home from school next time, go right into your room, close that door and turn your phone off. Even better; put up a Do-Not-Disturb sign on your door!  


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