Going out!

Waiting for Bennie to be ready and the cab to get here. Think it's coming now. Have a good friday night everyone!:)

It's Friday, I'm in love

In the library with Bennie. Today's plan is to reply to some e-mails, write some more e-mails and probably an article. Tonight we are going out, Bennie persuaded me. Just bought an Elle magazine, coffee and vitaminwater so I will read my magazine first before getting started with everything i have to do before tonight. In a month's time it's spring break. Really excited. Gonna stay in London for a couple of days, go to a musical, go shopping etc. Today, spring is in the air! I love the spring-feeling, and I love Fridays! Happy feeling!:) Have a great day everyone! xoxo Charlotte


Yesterday was fun! It was a big house party and then we went out afterwards. Wish I had a camera so I could have taken some pictures. Met a rockband band from LA and that made be think about how much I wanna go to California this summer. Arrivederci!

Me in Santa Monica

Charlotte and Anna

Girls night out!

Getting ready going to Lauren's house tonight for a birthdayparty! Going to be fun, haven't been out for a while now. Have a great night everyone!
Me and Lauren
Nea, Jodie, Charlotte, Gemma

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